
Agriculture: Mechanisation Still In Embryo State

A study on the state of agricultural mechanisation in Cameroon presented in Yaounde on May 14 reveals that 75 per cent of farmers use manual tools. 

A survey conducted in eight out of Cameroon’s ten regions (excluding North West and South West) shows that Cameroon’s agricultural mechanisation is still in its embryo state with 75 per cent of farmers using manuel tools. The study presented in Yaounde on May 14 in the presence of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Gabriel Mbairobe was conducted by the Department of Mechanisation in the Ministry of Agriculture in collaboration with the National Centre of Studies and Improved Agricultural Machinery and the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO). According to the findings, 12 per cent of farmers use harnessed machines for cultivation while 5 per cent use motorised equipment (tractors) and 8 per cent use machines for processing of agricultural produce.  The study which sampled 1515 users, 312 fabricators of machines, 153 importers and 232 service providers in the domain of agricultural mechanisation made an inventory of the materials and tools used by different sectors of agriculture in Cameroon. It also states that 
950 tractors have since 2011 been distributed to farmers. However, the study evokes major difficulties impeding the slow rate of agricultural mechanisation notably the high cost of machines, lack of spare parts for repairs and the inability to operate the machines (lack of training). Speaking during the event, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Gabriel Mbairobe stated that the agricultural sector in the country is plagued by difficulties such as the predominance of small family farms, archaic prod...

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    Bsr je suis une jeune étudiante en master professionnel de traduction je vis à Yaoundé et je souhaite une collaboration avec vous...en effet je trouve votre article enrichissant pour mes travaux de recherches.vien vouloir me répondre à mon adresse mail ci -dessous jocelynebilounga@gmail.com

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    Jabu Yusuf musa

    This is very interesting.I wish to have some machines and my capital is limited so I need an advice.

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